Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Webelos Day Camp

My great idea for the year...do a 3 day 'camp' and don't have scouts again all summer!!! yay me! We went to the copper mines... did athlete while waiting for the copper mine to re open...had crazy in and out lunch....laughed while Melisa told me her car of boys wanted classical music while mine was boomin!....
Tiff got camp Jeremiah, so Melisa helped me with our camp :)

...movie at mine... these boys are wild, but we made it!
mean while..Taylor got an sinus infection that lasted forever, so before she took off for Girl's Camp, we went in for our 3 hour appointment!... poor thing, the first dose didn't take, so she was pretty miserable at camp, but LOVED it!
...we went on a hike....
then gave 12 boys long, pointy sticks to roast their lunch with (on my sad, wet wood fire!) We completed everything for the summer and are DONE!! yee haw!

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