Monday, November 15, 2010

this week in Utah

Justin and Nancy came to visit this weekend -we had lots of fun....we went and watched Kelly play indoor. Zacky pointed out to her all the things she did wrong :) On Saturday, everyone played soccer together at the freezing park! The kids had a blast! Bryan got donuts so all the little ones were happy too :) I sat in the warm car since I've been sick all stinking week!!
After Kelly's game we made a JCWs run for dinner. Felt good on my throat! Taylor is finally feeling better so we're happy that no tonsils need to be removed! This sickness has kicked our butts!
The girls made a del taco run after the outdoor game on Saturday. We had the funniest guy taking our order. I made Kelly order because I had no voice. We were laughing so hard!
Time to sing happy birthday to Rachel :)
Taylor can't get enough of baby Rylie :)
And since everyone was here, mom wanted family pictures. Kelly made me do them this year :) I had no voice so it was interesting. We almost froze waiting for Becca and fam but the kids did great and there were virtually no break downs ;)

trying to get set up. Dan can't behave and Taylor is taking after Kimmy :)

Turned out great! No one is crying!! ;) And Taylor won out holding Rylie :)

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