Saturday, July 3, 2010

play time with nancy and justin-hike to Y, swimming, brick oven

the girls helped grandma make enchiladas for the company. they did great and were the best I've ever had! Taylor's working on her YW project and making a cookbook...
Kara giving Bryan a massage on his awful knee...he couldn't be happier!
We hiked the Y with EVERYONE! Perfect evening and lots of fun!

grandma needed some's always steeper than I remember

we went to the tip top by accident :)
dan holding mom's hand on way funny :)
we made it to Brick Oven...the only way we got half the people to hike ;)
Bryan sat at the kids table and taught them all kinds of bad things...including a food fight. got to love unkie!
game night...Taylor, Noelle and Zacky played their first game of risk with the big boys and had a BLAST! they love it. It was SO cute to watch Zacky with Bryan :)

swim time...everyone still says the pools too cold (we've had a funky spring) but I'm not heating this dang pool one more month!
the girls had fun with alexis and arriana.... Arianna couldn't get enough of Taylor this trip! Taylor was so sweet with her the whole time!

austy mooned us ;)
Justy threw Taylor in....
so Taylor got her revenge with Kimmy and Devin's help!

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